

Pattern Making & Cutting

A major area of the shop floor is apportioned for centralized cutting. This department is integrated with a fabric Testing facility & technical staff who inspect fabrics for texture, GSM, Knitting, Dyeing or Printing defects. An experienced team of professionals perform Fabric inspection, Pre-production sampling, Layer cutting & Sorting as the garment eventually takes shape.


Integrated with 3 independent units, each of the individual units specializes in a unique style of garments that enable faster, highly efficient and flexible production standards. The supervisors and quality control (A.Q.L STANDARD) personnel at each unit are thoroughly conversant with the pattern/style to ensure the sustenance of high quality.


Final Checking & Packing

A team of professionals achieve checking, Electric Steam Ironing & Final Finishing who adhere to the international quality standards & buyer requirements. All garments are subjected to Needle Detecting machine Test before final packing.